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Blue Door receives $100,000 grant from Shoppers Foundation for Women’s Health

May 27, 2024

Posted On: May 27, 2024 Posted By: Metroland Staff, Newmarket Era, Original Article

Initiative designed to enhance on-site health care support for women, improve access to personal care and feminine hygiene products and replenish essential medical supplies and resources for Blue Door’s on-site health hub.

Blue Door is getting a little help for women’s health initiatives, with the organization selected as a recipient of the 2023 community grant from Shoppers Foundation for Women’s Health.

Blue Door was awarded a $100,000 grant, which will significantly bolster its Women’s Health Initiative. This initiative is designed to enhance on-site health care support for women residents, improve accessibility to personal care and feminine hygiene products, replenish essential medical supplies and resources for Blue Door’s on-site health hub and ultimately enhance the overall health and well-being of women residing in emergency and transitional housing programs.

“We are deeply honoured to receive this generous grant from Shoppers Foundation for Women’s Health. This funding will allow us to expand our Women’s Health Initiative and make a tangible difference in the lives of the women we serve,” Michael Braithwaite, Blue Door’s CEO, said.

Shoppers Foundation for Women’s Health is the charitable arm of Shoppers Drug Mart, supporting women’s health charities across Canada for more than 20 years. They aim to build on this legacy by working to reduce the health inequities women face, including lack of representation in health research, barriers to accessing mental health care, and the urgent consequences women disproportionately face due to poverty and domestic violence.

By partnering with organizations like Blue Door, the foundation aims to ensure all women in Canada have access to the care and services needed to lead healthier lives.